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Friday, January 22, 2016

Why I Left #Cricket After 10 Years

Today marks a milestone for me.  As complicated as I can be, at times I can be quite simple.  For example, I can be extremely repetitive.  I can eat at the same restaurant every single day if I chose. I can do the same things over and over and it not bother me, etc. Thus is the case with my cell phone company.  Or should I say my former cell phone company.

I had been with Cricket for over 10 years.  In all my years, I had rarely experienced dropped calls or reception issues.  While others may claim the opposite, for me, it had always worked.  Aside from that, the price was right too.  I was always amused to hear people complain that their phone bill was over $200 or even $300.  I would always tell those people the same exact thing.  "Why?  I only pay $60 a month for everything unlimited with Cricket."

If you had read my previous blog you would have read about my recent experience with my phone woes.  To make a long story short I tried to do a workaround from having to buy an additional data plan.  The idea was to copy my SIM card and put it into a USB hotspot I bought online.  I purchased an additional SIM and it did not work with the hotspot.  I did not know buying a new SIM deactivated the old SIM.  I was defeated so I gave up.  I then put the new SIM into my phone and the phone would not recognize it  There is a more detailed description in my previous entry.

Basically, I felt the gentleman at the Cricket store did nothing to help me.  Granted the company did not put me into this predicament, however if I buy a new SIM card and it doesn't work, a good company would do everything within their power to make sure I did not walk out without a working device.  The man I dealt with did not seem to care.

So I went 3 days without a working cell phone- each day growing more and more upset.

I had spoken with a friend of mine about the entire ordeal and they brought up a good point.  They said "You were with the company for over 10 years, and they treat you like that?  That would be unacceptable to me and I would have left them."

I thought, "You know what?  He's right."

As much as I did not want to leave the company I really had no choice,  I needed a phone and it was clear that they could not help me.  The phone I had been using worked just fine and had been using it for almost a year.  If I had never bought a new SIM card it would have still worked so there was principal to not buy a completely new phone cause Cricket's SIM card did not work with it.

I had gone to T-Mobile and explained my situation.  The man whom I spoke to was amazed by my story and that I had spent 10 years with the carrier.  He told me that T-Mobile would not treat me the way Cricket did.

So all-in-all I left Cricket.  I did not want to but like I said, I had no choice.  I am a man of principal and of course, of habit.  I like the service but I deserved better.

I guess I am too loyal for my own good.  Knowing me, if they offered me a good phone (not the cheap ones) I would go back but that is unlikely to happen.  I could chalk up as a misunderstanding IF they at least attempted to make things right.  However I am sorry to say that did not happen.

On to new avenues.

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